Stay safe and alert in spring turkey hunting season 2024

USAgNet - 04/16/2024

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) urges caution and safety during the upcoming spring turkey hunting season, scheduled from April 17 to May 28, 2024. As hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts converge on public lands, awareness and careful identification are crucial.

During this period, the landscapes shared by hunters and public land users become zones of heightened risk. Proper hunter camouflage is vital for success in turkey hunting but increases the danger of being unnoticed by other hunters, leading to possible identification. Lt. Michael Weber, DNR Hunter Education Administrative Warden, stresses the importance of ensuring that one's target is a turkey and not a fellow human.

To mitigate risks, it is advised to avoid colors like red, white, and blue, which are associated with turkeys in the wild. Visibility should not be compromised by overusing camouflage. Safe practices include maintaining a clear line of sight, even when using blinds or netting.

Safety extends beyond clothing choices to include handling accessories and gear. Items typically carried by hunters, such as decoys and calls, should not be visible in colors that could confuse other hunters. The setup should not obstruct vision or hinder mobility.

This safety-first approach is endorsed by the National Wild Turkey Federation, which provides specific guidelines to ensure that turkey hunters and non-hunters alike can enjoy the season without incidents. Remembering these simple yet effective tips can make a significant difference in the experience and safety of all participants.

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